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Black Amethyst

The close-up view of each stone type shows a relatively true image of the crystalline structure and the colouring. This is suitable for grained slabs to a limited extend only. In regard to the colour matching, please take an original sample of the stone from your furniture store as a basis.


In the case of this particular gabbro, revealed only recently, the rock is a medium-grained, full-crystalline, irregular stone consisting entirely of black pyroxenes (metal -bearing silicate minerals) and of bronzite crystals of up to 1cm in size, uniformly distributed throughout the rock. Exceptionally, there may be a magnetite ore present. Bronzite is a silicate mineral with a bronze-hued shimmer which is encountered especially in gabbroid rock. 


Star Galaxy is a magmatite rock which is described as pyroxenite because of its mineralogical make up. A silicate-rich magma solidified beneath the primeval earth crust under highly stable cooling conditions. The result was the homogeneous graining of this recently discovered stone.

Preisgruppe 4
Farbe schwarz
Härtegrad Hartgestein
Strukturtyp Homogene Struktur
Outdoor bedingt geeignet
Synonyme Nero Ametista, Black and Gold, Star Galaxy, Black Galaxy, Nero Galaxy
Gruppe Plutonic rocks - Plutonite
Petrographische Zuordnung Granit
Alter 1.4 billion years (Precambrian)
Vorkommen Indien
Neuheit Nein

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