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The close-up view of each stone type shows a relatively true image of the crystalline structure and the colouring. This is suitable for grained slabs to a limited extend only. In regard to the colour matching, please take an original sample of the stone from your furniture store as a basis.


Uniformly pure white marble without any streaks or veins. The individual calcite crystals, up to 2 mm in size, can be clearly recognised due to their light reflection. Thassos marble is among the whitest varieties of marble on earth, but cannot be quarried in its pure white form in large blocks, as fissures and colour impurities limit the dimensions of the block. 


The marble occurring on the Greek island of Thassos was generated through metamorphosis of a pure limestone massif during primeval times of the earth. An original limestone mountain range in the south-east of Greece reached deeper levels as a result of earth crust movements and, in the course of millions of years, re-crystallised to pure white marble under the effect of pressure and temperature.

Price group 6
Colour white
Hardness Soft Stone
Structure Type Homogeneous Structure
Outdoor conditionally suitable
Synonyms Marble of Thassos, Thasischer Marmor
Group Metamorphic Rock Type
Petrographic Assignment Marble
Age 500 million years (Silurian-Cambrian)
Deposit Griechenland
Novelty No

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